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About Charlies k-9 Camp
My name is Charlie Holder. My wife Cindy, and I own and operate Charlie’s K-9 Camp, LLC a small Obedience Training School and boarding facility for dogs.
In 1969 while at Fort Benning, Georgia I volunteered to be a scout dog handler for the United States Army. Following an intensive training program, I arrived in Vietnam January, 1970. I was stationed at Camp Eagle serving in the 42nd IPSD supporting the 101st Airborne Division. During my 11 months in Vietnam two dogs, Danny and Thor were KIA while leading patrols through the jungles – they knew their job and excelled at what they did. Lux my third and last dog was turned over to another handler when I returned home in December, 1970. I am an active member of the Vietnam Dog Handlers Association.
After returning home from Vietnam I met Cindy. We married in June 1972. Together we raised a couple of German Shepherd pups and two daughters. Through the years our love of dogs has been a common bond our family has enjoyed; we have passed that love to our granddaughters and great grandchildren. A good thing, because we never knew which of the girls (and I include Cindy in the term girls) would bring home another pup – all kinds, shapes, sizes and temperaments. We have always had dogs, they were, and still are, our friends and companions. During the years we have worked with many dogs, training and boarding them for friends, co-workers and family making new friends through each new dog we train and board. The opportunity to work with so many types and breeds of dogs has been wonderful. It is a pleasure to open our hearts to all types of dogs, from unruly pups to older dogs with special needs. With structure, firmness, love, patience and praise it is a delight to see the changes in the dogs we work with. Our number one goal is to help you build a better relationship with your dog.
We have trained dogs from across the southeastern United States. We would love to work with your pet too!



Great Granddaughter
2 generations of dog trainers, maybe 3.